Prayer Ribbon Project

What is the Prayer Ribbon Project?
Express your prayers, especially for your family, friends, loved ones, or greater community. Write your intention on a ribbon and either leave it with your parish or community or take it with you on your journey. Your parish or community can pray for these intentions throughout the year.
With God's grace, these collective prayer ribbons reflect the love and faith of your community.
Questions about the Prayer Ribbon Project?
Prayer ribbons offer an opportunity for your parish community to share one another's intentions. In doing so, parishioners can keep each other's hopes, struggles, and joys in their prayers while also building a sense of community and belonging.
Parishes can decide a special time of year or season to offer the Prayer Ribbon Project. At Boston College, the C21 Center offers prayer ribbons during a special, campus-wide week called Espresso Your Faith Week. Whether it is to commemorate a liturgical season like Advent or Lent, or to celebrate a time of year special to your parish, you can host this program any time of year.
Prayer ribbons can be tied and hung in any communal place, especially if your parish or community has a space that holds great meaning or where people often gather. Hanging the ribbons in a place where parishioners can see and read them offers your community the opportunity to keep one another's prayers in their hearts.
To bring the Prayer Ribbon Project to your parish, here is a list of some helpful materials:
- Ribbons (you can find or order ribbons anywhere, but below is a link to the Ribbon Factory, where the C21 Center orders from)
- Markers
- A communal space or area where ribbons can be tied to like a fence or gate
- We suggest a sign for parishioners to be able to read what the ribbons and markers are for and instructions for them to tie or keep their prayer ribbons
Have more questions about bringing prayers ribbons to your parish? Email us
Articles highlighting the Prayer Ribbon Project
Share your parish's experience with us
We would love to hear your parish or community's experience with the Prayer Ribbon Project! If interested in sharing your community's experience and having it highlighted here, please reach out to us at